Author: admin
01 / 11 / 2024
Hostesses for International Engineering Fair 2024
Every year, we are taking part in a huge Czech international fair dedicated to engeneering. We were participating this year too. Most of our clients are loyal and returning customers. You can see one of our hostesses taking care of catering and providing refreshment for guests of the company. If
V rubrice: Trade Fairs
15 / 09 / 2024
Promo girls for a trade fair
Elfetex fest 2024 was a trade fair that took place at the Brno Exhibition Centre and attracted many visitors interested in electronics, electrical engineering, energy, photovoltaics and in general all news from these areas. Elfetex brings together many exhibitors and offers a very interesting program. Traditionally, the Brno Models hostesses
V rubrice: Uncategorized, Trade Fairs
15 / 09 / 2024
Eco Festival Hostesses
During the time of our existence, we’ve provided professional personnel for very different types of events. When we were asked by E.ON – a Czech energy provider to get them staff for their festival we didn’t hesitate to fulfill their offer even a minute. The event was a tremendous success
V rubrice: Company Events, Festival
17 / 12 / 2023
Hostesses for Company Anniversary Celebration
Besides conferences and openings of new boutiques, Brno Models is often present at company anniversary celebrations. And this time it wasn’t different. Our hostesses with sashes on their shoulders were taking care of company employees. We are thankful for their excellent work and the opportunity to participate in this event.
V rubrice: Company Events
16 / 10 / 2023
International Engineering Fair Hostesses 2023
The place for the biggest trading fair in Brno always goes to MSV (mezinarodni strojirensky veletrh) and wasn’t an exception this year. Engineering Fair brings the most exhibitors and visitors. Brno Models overcame its last year’s record again and had even more clients this year. Our hostesses reliably fulfilled their
V rubrice: Trade Fairs
23 / 08 / 2023
Promotion for Porsche
You don’t have a chance to promote a new vehicle every day and it is even more rare to reveal a new German Porsche. Our four hostesses had the opportunity to be part of the team who presented a new Porsche car at Mendel’s Greenhouse in Brno. Our professional hostesses
V rubrice: Conferences, Promotions
16 / 06 / 2023
Hostesses for a Science Congress
We provide hostesses for fairs, exhibitions, and science conferences too. And one of the prestigious conferences was held in Brno this June. Brno Models couldn’t miss it and helped with the handy staff. Do you also want to be provided with personal help for your event? Contact us at
V rubrice: Conferences
19 / 05 / 2023
Hostesses in Barcelo Hotel
Nine of our charming hostesses were present at Lasers + Optics conference in the beautiful Barcelo Hotel in the very heart of Brno. Insightful lectures and sparkling wine made the atmosphere really special and thanks to our Brno Models hostesses there was a women beauty present as well. We are
V rubrice: Conferences
05 / 05 / 2023
Hostesses and promo girls for AVON
Our reliable hostesses Brno Models were representing the beauty company AVON in Avion Shopping Park Brno. We are thankful to AVON for this fantastic experience and relaxed event. Many thanks go to our hardworking hostesses who took care of everything necessary. Girls were tasked with the distribution of samples and
04 / 05 / 2023
Hostesses for Building Fair Brno
An annual Building Fair in Brno took place from the 2nd to the 4th of March 2023 at Brno Exhibition Center — BVV. The fair represents construction companies, suppliers, and ecological solutions of the 21st century. Obviously, Brno Models couldn’t skip this amazing event. We successfully provided hostesses to numerous
V rubrice: Trade Fairs, Trade Fairs
26 / 08 / 2022
Hostesses for Pharmaceutical Conference
Hostesses and promo girls from Brno Models Agency had another amazing opportunity to be part of a cool and awesome conference in the Marriott Hotel. Our beloved client —Teva Pharmaceutical Industries — gave them a chance and used their charm and effectiveness. We are very grateful and thank Teva a
V rubrice: Conferences